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We.Share Internal Training by WE.DO ACADEMY

We.Share Project: training courses for Doimo Cucine's staff sponsored by the We.Do holding.
Part of the We.Do holding, since early 2022 Doimo Cucine staff have been participating in training courses offered by the We.Share Project. This is one of the first steps towards the creation of a true internal school.
We.Share consists of three paths for growing professional skills and managing work. They are offered, respectively, to managers (in partnership with the School of Management SDA Bocconi), coordinators and operative collaborators. A total of 600 hours in 2022 with new activities in 2023 that enable people to connect, interact, dialogue, grow, exchange and produce know-how and foster evolving talents, creativity and skills. The shared intention is to generate organisational value that supports horizontal integration.
This is one of the first activities to support growth and leadership among the group’s companies, conceived by WE.DO ACADEMY, an ambitious project created to develop a qualified school for business (and in the business) through which We.Do invests in human resources, in partnership with the CUOA Business School. This latter is the business school with the longest tradition currently operating in Italy. It was instituted in 1957, inside the School of Engineering at the University of Padua, at the behest of a vast institutional, economic and entrepreneurial system representing North-Eastern Italy.
WE.DO ACADEMY will work in a continuous and structured manner to train Doimo Cucine staff, adopting an approach based on different and coordinated teaching methodologies designed to grow quality of management and the management style of key figures (current and future).