We create solutions that stand the tests of time, without wasting energy or materials.
Doimo Cucine for the environment
Our clients are looking for a quality kitchen, in harmony with their individual personality and space: we create solutions that stand the tests of time, without wasting energy or materials.

A daily commitment
To protect the environment
Eco-compatible approach
The sensibility toward an ecological and eco-compatible approach is evident in the large park surrounding our factory, in our ecological, all-electric and low energy consuming heating system based on ionic acceleration, and in our photovoltaic system installed in a 5,300 m2 area.

Ecological and
certified carcasses
In Doimo Cucine we purchase LEB Ecological Panel, the first and only FSC® certified 100% recycled wood, because it is made from 100% post-consumer wood. No trees are therefore cut down for its production. The panel also boasts formaldehyde emissions low enough to respect the most restrictive regulations, created by the Japaneses. Since 2008 Doimo Cucine reaches the highest levels of this standard, F****.

A cleaner world
with Doimo Cucine
Studies conducted by leading research laboratories demonstrate that the formaldehyde emissions of the panel utilised by Doimo Cucine are 70% lower than European norms and approximately 40% less than the prescriptions of the already restrictive CARB TSCA American standard. Less emissions means more safety for our clients.